Dayne & Anita

October 18, 2024 • Funchal, Madeira, Portugal

Dayne & Anita

October 18, 2024 • Funchal, Madeira, Portugal

Our Story

This love story began with boy meets girl, boy makes what he calls a lasting impression, and the rest fell into place.

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It all started with adopting this little girl, our puppy Willow and who can resist that face?

April 29, 2020

It all started with adopting this little girl, our puppy Willow and who can resist that face?
We officially started dating after a couple of months of Covid lockdowns, talking, surviving competitive monopoly rounds, planning a surprise party here and there and getting to know each other.

August 31, 2020

We officially started dating after a couple of months of Covid lockdowns, talking, surviving competitive monopoly rounds, planning a surprise party here and there and getting to know each other.
Our official first date. Due to Covid lockdowns, 9 months passed before we were able to go out on a date. What a great excuse to test out a Brazilian steak house, this became the day that Anita was swayed over to medium rare steak!

June 12, 2021

Our official first date. Due to Covid lockdowns, 9 months passed before we were able to go out on a date. What a great excuse to test out a Brazilian steak house, this became the day that Anita was swayed over to medium rare steak!
A few social events later we attended our first wedding together as a couple, a great excuse to get dressed up and celebrate love. Turns out we scrub up quite well.

August 29, 2021

A few social events later we attended our first wedding together as a couple, a great excuse to get dressed up and celebrate love. Turns out we scrub up quite well.
A year in, and always on the hunt for a good bubblegum ice-cream!

August 30, 2021

A year in, and always on the hunt for a good bubblegum ice-cream!
Competive date nights is who we truly are..! and not a deal breaker.

September 04, 2021

Competive date nights is who we truly are..! and not a deal breaker.
First adventure after Anita's broken ankle the previous year - our first weekend in London to celebrate being able to get around with no crutches. Our favourite place that weekend was Laki Kane, in Islington. RUM RUM RUM!

March 27, 2022

First adventure after Anita's broken ankle the previous year - our first weekend in London to celebrate being able to get around with no crutches. Our favourite place that weekend was Laki Kane, in Islington. RUM RUM RUM!
Our first holiday together, we went to Madeira to meet Anita's family and get the de Nobrega's seal of approval. We  took it easy and even though we only explored half the island, it was enough for Dayne to fall in love with the place!

April 18, 2022

Our first holiday together, we went to Madeira to meet Anita's family and get the de Nobrega's seal of approval. We took it easy and even though we only explored half the island, it was enough for Dayne to fall in love with the place!
Our first Escape room together, one of many funtivities to feed our competitive sides. We of course escaped with the help of this wonderful bunch. GO TEAM!

June 18, 2022

Our first Escape room together, one of many funtivities to feed our competitive sides. We of course escaped with the help of this wonderful bunch. GO TEAM!
 2 years in and couples Halloween costume game is strong. One of many more couples costumes to come!  #nofilter

October 29, 2022

2 years in and couples Halloween costume game is strong. One of many more couples costumes to come! #nofilter
Only took two and half years to train Willow on how to pose for the perfect selfie.

December 25, 2022

Only took two and half years to train Willow on how to pose for the perfect selfie.
Portuguese loading... Força Maritimo!

January 08, 2023

Portuguese loading... Força Maritimo!
First holiday in the UK.  Also the first sunburn-free holiday.

May 27, 2023

First holiday in the UK. Also the first sunburn-free holiday.
The ultimate test of who do you love most - Anita or your vape? Vape went down the mountain so Anita wouldn't. Guess we now know.

June 23, 2023

The ultimate test of who do you love most - Anita or your vape? Vape went down the mountain so Anita wouldn't. Guess we now know.
Holiday like no other in Bermuda. With help from friends and family I popped the question. Sunrise trip to the beach and surprised Anita with a ring.

September 20, 2023

Holiday like no other in Bermuda. With help from friends and family I popped the question. Sunrise trip to the beach and surprised Anita with a ring.
Purchased our fixer-upper. 
"Do DIY, they said".
"It will be fun, they said"...

January 19, 2024

Purchased our fixer-upper. "Do DIY, they said". "It will be fun, they said"...